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24-230Vac 2fili NO M12 IS-18-C8-S2'IS-18-C8-S2 PROX 24-230Vac 2fili NC M12 95B064380 IS-18-A20-S2 IS-18-A20-S2 18 FLUSH NAMUR M12 95B064390 IS-18-C20-S2< $IS-18-C20-S2 18 NON FLUSH NAMUR M12 IS-18-A3-S2IS-18-A3-S2 PROX NPN NO M12 95B061311 IS-18-A3-S2 18 FLUSH NPN NO M12 95B063491 IS-18-G3-S2)IS-18-G3-S2 18 FLUSH SHORT 2X NPN NO M12 95B062111 IS-18-B3-S2&IS-18-B3-S2 18 FLUSH SHORT NPN NO M12 95B060340 IS-18-M3-S2,IS-18-M3-S2 18 FLUSH SHORT STEEL NPN NO M12 IS-18-A4-S2IS-18-A4-S2 PROX NPN NC M12 95B061331 IS-18-A4-S2 18 FLUSH NPN NC M12 IS-18-G4-S2IS-18-G4-S2 PROX NPN NC M12 95B063511)IS-18-G4-S2 18 FLUSH SHORT 2X NPN NC M12 95B062131 IS-18-B4-S2&IS-18-B4-S2 18 FLUSH SHORT NPN NC M12 95B060350 IS-18-M4-S2,IS-18-M4-S2 18 FLUSH SHORT STEEL NPN NC M12 IS-18-A1-S2IS-18-A1-S2 PROX PNP NO M12 95B061351 IS-18-A1-S2 18 FLUSH PNP NO M12 95B063531 IS-18-G1-S2)IS-18-G1-S2 18 FLUSH SHORT 2X PNP NO M12 95B062151 IS-18-B1-S2&IS-18-B1-S2 18 FLUSH SHORT PNP NO M12 95B060320 IS-18-M1-S2,IS-18-M1-S2 18 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FLUSH SHORT 2X NPN NO M12IS47SK 95B062191 IS-30-B3-S2&IS-30-B3-S2 30 FLUSH SHORT NPN NO M12ISI47SK 95B060420 IS-30-M3-S2,IS-30-M3-S2 30 FLUSH SHORT STEEL NPN NO M12IS48K 95B061411 IS-30-A4-S2 IS-30-A4-S2 30 FLUSH NPN NC M12IS48DK IS-30-G4-S2IS-30-G4-S2 PROX NPN NC M12 95B063671)IS-30-G4-S2 30 FLUSH SHORT 2X NPN NC M12IS48SK 95B062211 IS-30-B4-S2&IS-30-B4-S2 30 FLUSH SHORT NPN NC M12ISI48SK 95B060430 IS-30-M4-S2,IS-30-M4-S2 30 FLUSH S< HORT STEEL NPN NC M12IS50K IS-30-A1-S2IS-30-A1-S2 PROX PNP NO M12 95B061431 IS-30-A1-S2 30 FLUSH PNP NO M12IS50DK 95B063691 IS-30-G1-S2)IS-30-G1-S2 30 FLUSH SHORT 2X PNP NO M12IS50SK 95B062231 IS-30-B1-S2&IS-30-B1-S2 30 FLUSH SHORT PNP NO M12ISI50SK 95B060400 IS-30-M1-S2,IS-30-M1-S2 30 FLUSH SHORT STEEL PNP NO M12IS51K IS-30-A2-S2IS-30-A2-S2 PROX PNP NC M12 95B061451 IS-30-A2-S2 30 FLUSH PNP NC M12IS51DK IS-30-G2-S2IS-30-G2-S2 PROX PNP NC M12 95B063711)IS-30-G2-S2 30 FLUSH SHORT 2X PNP NC M12IS51SK 95B062251 IS-30-B2-S2&IS-30-B2-S2 30 FLUSH SHORT PNP NC M12ISI51SK 95B060410 IS-30-M2-S2,IS-30-M2-S2 30 FLUSH SHORT STEEL PNP NC M12IS73K IS-30-C3-S2IS-30-C3-S2 PROX NPN NO M12 95B061791$IS-30-C3-S2 30 NON FLUSH NPN NO M12IS73DK IS-30-H3-S2IS-30-H3-S2 PROX NPN NO M12 95B063731-IS-30-H3-S2 30 NON FLUSH SHORT 2X NPN NO M12IS73SK 95B062591 IS-30-D3-S2*IS-30-D3-S2 30 NON FLUSH SHORT NPN NO M12ISI73SK 95B060460 IS-30-N3-S20IS-30-N3-S2 30 NON FLUSH SHORT STEEL NPN NO M12IS74K IS-30-C4-S2IS-30-C4-S2 PROX NPN NC M12 95B061811$IS-30-C4-S2 30 NON FLUSH NPN NC M12IS74DK IS-30-H4-S2IS-30-H4-S2 PROX NPN NC M12 95B063751-IS-30-H4-S2 30 NON FLUSH SHORT 2X NPN NC M12IS74SK 95B062611 IS-30-D4-S2*IS-30-D4-S2 30 NON FLUSH SHORT NPN NC M12ISI74SK 95B060470 IS-30-N4-S20IS-30-N4-S2 30 NON FLUSH SHORT STEEL NPN NC M12IS76K 95B061831 IS-30-C1-S2$IS-30-C1-S2 30 NON FLUSH PNP NO M12IS76DK IS-30-H1-S2IS-30-H1-S2 PROX PNP NO M12 95B063771-IS-30-H1-S2 30 NON FLUSH SHORT 2X PNP NO M12IS76SK 95B062631 IS-30-D1-S2*IS-30-D1-S2 30 NON FLUSH SHORT PNP NO M12ISI76SK 95B060440 IS-30-N1-S20IS-30-N1-S2 30 NON FLUSH SHORT STEEL PNP NO M12IS77K 95B061851 IS-30-C2-S2$IS-30-C2-S2 30 NON FLUSH PNP NC M12IS77DK IS-30-H2-S2IS-30-H2-S2 PROX PNP NC M12 95B063791-IS-30-H2-S2 30 NON FLUSH SHORT 2X PNP NC M12IS77SK 95B062651 IS-30-D2-S2*IS-30-D2-S2 30 NON FLUSH SHORT PNP NC M12ISI77SK 95B060450 IS-30-N2-S20IS-30-N2-S2 30 NON FLUSH SHORT STEEL PNP NC M12IS49DK 95B064430 IS-30-G6-S2,IS-30-G6-S2 30 FLUSH SHORT 2X NPN NO-NC M12IS52DK IS-30-G5-S2IS-30-G5-S2 PROX PNP NO-NC M12 95B063831,IS-30-G5-S2 30 FLUSH SHORT 2X PNP NO-NC M12IS75DK 95B064440 IS-30-H6-S20IS-30-H6-S2 30 NON FLUSH SHORT 2X NPN NO-NC M12IS78DK 95B064450 IS-30-H5-S20IS-30-H5-S2 30 NON FLUSH SHORT 2X PNP NO-NC M12ISM05K 95B064490 IS-30-A0-S2!IS-30-A0-S2 30 FLUSH 4 WIRES M12ISM05DK 95B064500 IS-30-G0-S2*IS-30-G0-S2 30 FLUSH SHORT 2X 4 WIRES M12ISM06K 95B064510 IS-30-B0-S2%IS-30-B0-S2 30 NON FLUSH 4 WIRES M12ISM06DK 95B064520 IS-30-H0-S2/IS-30-H0-S2 30 NON FLUSH SHORT 2X 4 WIRES M12IS15K 95B064570 IS-30-A9-S2!IS-30-A9-S2 30 FLUSH 2 WIRES M12IS15DK 95B064580 IS-30-G9-S2*IS-30-G9-S2 30 FLUSH SHORT 2X 2 WIRES M12IS21K 95B064590 IS-30-B9-S2%IS-30-B9-S2 30 NON FLUSH 2 WIRES M12IS21DK 95B064600 IS-30-H9-S2/IS-30-H9-S2 30 NON FLUSH SHORT 2X 2 WIRES M12IS83K IS-30-A7-S2'IS-30-A7-S2 PROX 24-230Vac 2fili NO M12 IS-30-A15-S2!IS-30-A15-S2 30 FLUSH VAC NO M12IS83DKIS84K IS-30-A8-S2'IS-30-A8-S2 PROX 24-230Vac 2fili NC M12IS84DKIS89K IS-30-C7-S2'IS-30-C7-S2 PROX 24-230Vac 2fili NO M12IS89DKIS90K IS-30-C8-S2'IS-30-C8-S2 PROX 24-230Vac 2fili NC M12IS90DKIS104KIS104DKIS105KIS105DKIS110KIS110DKIS111KIS111DKIS05KIS10KXSP4003 IS-40-W6-03XSP4006 IS-40-W5-03XSP4013 IS-40-W7-03XSP4014 IS-40-W8-03XSP4017 IS-40-Y6-03XSP4020 IS-40-Y5-03XSP4027 IS-40-Y7-03XSP4028 IS-40-Y8-03 XSP4003SK IS-40-X6-S2 XSP4006SK IS-40-X5-S2 IS-40-C11-S3IS38SK1JIS38SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NO, shielded - short housing 2mmIS39K19IS39K1 Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NC, shielded 2mm 95B061290IS39DK1LIS39DK1 Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NC, shielded - increased range 4mmIS39SK1JIS39SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NC, shielded - short housing 2mmIS61K1=IS61K1 Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NO, not shielded 4mm 95B061600IS61SK1PIS64DK1 Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NO, not shielded - increased range 8mmIS64SK1NIS64SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NO, not shielded - short housing 4mmIS65K1=IS65K1 Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NC, not shielded 4mm 95B061690IS65SK1NIS65SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NC, not shielded - short housing 4mmISM01KFISM01K Inductive sensors diameter 12 programmable output, shielded 2mmIS03K12IS03K1 Inductive sensors diameter 12, shielded 2mmIS08K16IS08K1 Inductive sensors diameter 12, not shielded 4mmISM01DKYISM01DK Inductive sensors diameter 12 programmable output, shielded - increased range 4mmISM02KJISM02K Inductive sensors diameter 12 programmable output, not shielded 4mmISM02DK]ISM02DK Inductive sensors diameter 12 programmable output, not shielded - increased range 8mmIS11KKIS11K Inductive sensors diameter 12 NO-NC programmable output, shielded 2mm 95B063930IS11DK^IS11DK Inductive sensors diameter 12 NO-NC programmable output, shielded - increased range 4mmIS17KOIS17K Inductive sensors diameter 12 NO-NC programmable output, not shielded 4mmIS17DKbIS17DK Inductive sensors diameter 12 NO-NC programmable output, not shielded - increased range 8mmIS79K4IS79K Inductive sensors diameter 12 NO, shielded 2mm 95B062830 95B065370IS79DKGIS79DK Inductive sensors diameter 12 NO, shielded - increased range 4mmIS80K4IS80K Inductive sensors diameter 12 NC, shielded 2mm 95B062850IS80DKGIS80DK Inductive sensors diameter 12 NC, shielded - increased range 4mmIS85K8IS85K Inductive sensors diameter 12 NO, not shielded 4mm 95B062950IS85DKKIS85DK Inductive sensors diameter 12 NO, not shielded - increased range 8mmIS86K8IS86K Inductive sensors diameter 12 NC, not shielded 4mm 95B062970IS86DKKIS86DK Inductive sensors diameter 12 NC, not shielded - increased range 8mmIS100K5IS100K Inductive sensors diameter 12 NO, shielded 2mmIS100DKGIS100DK Inductive sensors diameter 12 NO, shielded- increased range 4mmIS101K5IS101K Inductive sensors diameter 12 NC, shielded 2mmIS101DKHIS101DK Inductive sensors diameter 12 NC, shielded - increased range 4mmIS106K9IS106K Inductive sensors diameter 12 NO, not shielded 4mmIS106DKLIS106DK Inductive sensors diameter 12 NO, not shielded - increased range 8mmIS107K9IS107K Inductive sensors diameter 12 NC, not shielded 4mmIS107DKLIS107DK Inductive sensors diameter 12 NC, not shielded - increased range 8mmIS03K1IS03K Inductive sensors diameter 12, shielded 2mmIS08K5IS08K Inductive sensors diameter 12, not shielded 4mmISWI38KRISWI38K Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NO, shielded stainless steel housing 2mmISWI64KVISWI64K Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NO, not shielded stainless steel housing 4mmISMF38KRISMF38K Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NO, shielded stainless steel housing 2mmISMF64KVISMF64K Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NO, not shielded stainless steel housing 4mm 95B063870IS35K8IS35K Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NO, shielded 2mm 95B061190IS35DKKIS35DK Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NO, shielded - increased range 4mmIS35SKIIS35SK Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NO, shielded - short housing 2mmISI35SKZISI35SK Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NO, shielded - stainless steel short housing 2mmIS36K8IS36K Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NC, shielded 2mm 95B061220IS36DKKIS36DK Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NC, shielded - increased range 4mm 95B063350IS36SKIIS36SK Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NC, shielded - short housing 2mmISI36SKZISI36SK Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NC, shielded - stainless steel short housing 2mmIS38K8IS38K Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NO, shielded 2mm 95B061250IS38DKKIS38DK Inductive sensors diameter < 12 PNP NO, shielded - increased range 4mmIS38SKIIS38SK Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NO, shielded - short housing 2mmISI38SKZISI38SK Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NO, shielded - stainless steel short housing 2mmIS39K8IS39K Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NC, shielded 2mm 95B061280IS39DKKIS39DK Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NC, shielded - increased range 4mm 95B063390IS39SKIIS39SK Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NC, shielded - short housing 2mmISI39SKZISI39SK Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NC, shielded - stainless steel short housing 2mmIS61K<IS61K Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NO, not shielded 4mm 95B061590IS61DKOIS61DK Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NO, not shielded - increased range 8mm 95B063410IS61SKMIS61SK Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NO, not shielded - short housing 4mmISI61SK^ISI61SK Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NO, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 4mmIS62K<IS62K Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NC, not shielded 4mm 95B061620IS62DKOIS62DK Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NC, not shielded - increased range 8mm 95B063430IS62SKMIS62SK Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NC, not shielded - short housing 4mmISI62SK^ISI62SK Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NC, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 4mmIS64K<IS64K Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NO, not shielded 4mm 95B061650IS64DKOIS64DK Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NO, not shielded - increased range 8mm 95B063450IS64SKMIS64SK Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NO, not shielded - short housing 4mmISI64SK^ISI64SK Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NO, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 4mmIS65K<IS65K Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NC, not shielded 4mm 95B061680IS65DKOIS65DK Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NC, not shielded - increased range 8mm 95B063470IS65SKMIS65SK Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NC, not shielded - short housing 4mmISI65SK^ISI65SK Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NC, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 4mmIS37DKNIS37DK Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NO-NC, shielded - increased range 4mm 95B062670IS40DKNIS40DK Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NO-NC, shielded - increased range 4mm 95B062690IS63DKRIS63DK Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NO-NC, not shielded - increased range 8mmIS66DKRIS66DK Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NO-NC, not shielded - increased range 8mm 95B062770INDUCTIVE 18mmIS040IS04 Inductive sensors diameter 18, shielded 5mmIS094IS09 Inductive sensors diameter 18, not shielded 8mmIS417IS41 Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NO, shielded 5mmIS41DJIS41D Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NO, shielded - increased range 8mmIS41SHIS41S Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NO, shielded - short housing 5mm 95B062100ISI41SYISI41S Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NO, shielded - stainless steel short housing 5mmIS427IS42 Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NC, shielded 5mmIS42DJIS42D Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NC, shielded - increased range 8mm 95B063500IS42SHIS42S Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NC, shielded - short housing 5mmISI42SYISI42S Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NC, shielded - stainless steel short housing 5mmIS447IS44 Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NO, shielded 5mmIS44DJIS44D Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NO, shielded - increased range 8mmIS44SHIS44S Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NO, shielded - short housing 5mm 95B062140ISI44SYISI44S Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NO, shielded - stainless steel short housing 5mmIS457IS45 Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NC, shielded 5mmIS45DJIS45D Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NC, shielded - increased range 8mmIS45SHIS45S Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NC, shielded - short housing 5mmISI45SYISI45S Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NC, shielded - stainless steel short housing 5mmIS67;IS67 Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NO, not shielded 8mmIS67DOIS67D Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NO, not shielded - increased range 14mm 95B063560IS67SLIS67S Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NO, not shielded - short housing 8mmISI67S]ISI67S Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NO, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 8mmIS68;IS68 Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NC, not shielded 8mmIS68DOIS68D Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NC, not shielded - increased range 14mm 95B063580IS68SLIS68S Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NC, not shielded - short housing 8mmISI68S]ISI68S Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NC, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 8mmIS70;IS70 Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NO, not shielded 8mmIS70DOIS70D Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NO, not shielded - increased range 14mm 95B063600IS70SLIS70S Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NO, not shielded - short housing 8mmISI70S]ISI70S Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NO, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 8mmIS71;IS71 Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NC, not shielded 8mmIS71DOIS71D Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NC, not shielded - increased range 14mm 95B063620IS71SLIS71S Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NC, not shielded - short housing 8mmISI71S]ISI71S Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NC, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 8mmIS43DMIS43D Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NO-NC, shielded - increased range 8mmIS46DMIS46D Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NO-NC, shielded - increased range 8mm 95B062720IS69DRIS69D Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NO-NC, not shielded - increased range 14mmIS72DRIS72D Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NO-NC, not shielded - increased range 14mmIS1024IS102 Inductive sensors diameter 18 NO, shielded 5mmIS102DGIS102D Inductive sensors diameter 18 NO, shielded - increased range 8mm 95B063900IS1034IS103 Inductive sensors diameter 18 NC, shielded 5mmIS103DGIS103D Inductive sensors diameter 18 NC, shielded - increased range 8mmIS1088IS108 Inductive sensors diameter 18 NO, not shielded 8mmIS108DLIS108D Inductive sensors diameter 18 NO, not shielded - increased range 14mmIS1098IS109 Inductive sensors diameter 18 NC, not shielded 8mmIS109DLIS109D Inductive sensors diameter 18 NC, not shielded - increased range 14mmISHT41hISHT41 Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NO, shielded stainless steel housing 5mm temperature up to 180ISHT44hISHT44 Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NO, shielded stainless steel housing 5mm temperature up to 180ISM03EISM03 Inductive sensors diameter 18 programmable output, shielded 5mmISM03DXISM03D Inductive sensors diameter 18 programmable output, shielded - increased range 8mm 95B063850ISM04IISM04 Inductive sensors diameter 18 programmable output, not shielded 8mmISM04D]ISM04D Inductive sensors diameter 18 programmable output, not shielded - increased range 14mmIS13JIS13 Inductive sensors diameter 18 NO-NC programmable output, shielded 5mmIS13D]IS13D Inductive sensors diameter 18 NO-NC programmable output, shielded - increased range 8mm 95B063810IS19NIS19 Inductive sensors diameter 18 NO-NC programmable output, not shielded 8mmIS19DbIS19D Inductive sensors diameter 18 NO-NC programmable output, not shielded - increased range 14mmIS813IS81 Inductive sensors diameter 18 NO, shielded 5mm 95B062860 95B060770IS81DFIS81D Inductive sensors diameter 18 NO, shielded - increased range 8mmIS823IS82 Inductive sensors diameter 18 NC, shielded 5mm 95B062880IS82DFIS82D Inductive sensors diameter 18 NC, shielded - increased range 8mmIS877IS87 Inductive sensors diameter 18 NO, not shielded 8mm 95B062980IS87DKIS87D Inductive sensors diameter 18 NO, not shielded - increased range 14mmIS887IS88 Inductive sensors diameter 18 NC, not shielded 8mm 95B063000IS88DKIS88D Inductive sensors diameter 18 NC, not shielded - increased range 14mmIS81K4IS81K Inductive sensors diameter 18 NO, shielded 5mm 95B062870 95B060780< IS81DKGIS81DK Inductive sensors diameter 18 NO, shielded - increased range 8mmIS82K4IS82K Inductive sensors diameter 18 NC, shielded 5mm 95B062890IS82DKGIS82DK Inductive sensors diameter 18 NC, shielded - increased range 8mmIS87K8IS87K Inductive sensors diameter 18 NO, not shielded 8mm 95B062990IS87DKLIS87DK Inductive sensors diameter 18 NO, not shielded - increased range 14mmIS88K8IS88K Inductive sensors diameter 18 NC, not shielded 8mm 95B063010IS88DKLIS88DK Inductive sensors diameter 18 NC, not shielded - increased range 14mmIS102K5IS102K Inductive sensors diameter 18 NO, shielded 5mmIS102DKHIS102DK Inductive sensors diameter 18 NO, shielded - increased range 8mmIS103K5IS103K Inductive sensors diameter 18 NC, shielded 5mmIS103DKHIS103DK Inductive sensors diameter 18 NC, shielded - increased range 8mmIS108K9IS108K Inductive sensors diameter 18 NO, not shielded 8mmIS108DKMIS108DK Inductive sensors diameter 18 NO, not shielded - increased range 14mmIS109K9IS109K Inductive sensors diameter 18 NC, not shielded 8mmIS109DKMIS109DK Inductive sensors diameter 18 NC, not shielded - increased range 14mmIS04K1IS04K Inductive sensors diameter 18, shielded 5mmIS09K5IS09K Inductive sensors diameter 18, not shielded 8mmIS41K8IS41K Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NO, shielded 5mm 95B061310IS41DKKIS41DK Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NO, shielded - increased range 8mmIS41SKIIS41SK Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NO, shielded - short housing 5mmISI41SKZISI41SK Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NO, shielded - stainless steel short housing 5mmIS42K8IS42K Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NC, shielded 5mm 95B061330IS42DKKIS42DK Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NC, shielded - increased range 8mm 95B063510IS42SKIIS42SK Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NC, shielded - short housing 5mmISI42SKZISI42SK Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NC, shielded - stainless steel short housing 5mmIS44K8IS44K Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NO, shielded 5mm 95B061350IS44DKKIS44DK Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NO, shielded - increased range 8mmIS44SKIIS44SK Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NO, shielded - short housing 5mmISI44SKZISI44SK Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NO, shielded - stainless steel short housing 5mmIS45K8IS45K Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NC, shielded 5mmIS45DKKIS45DK Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NC, shielded - increased range 8mm 95B063550IS45SKIIS45SK Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NC, shielded - short housing 5mmISI45SKZISI45SK Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NC, shielded - stainless steel short housing 5mmIS67K<IS67K Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NO, not shielded 8mm 95B061710IS67DKPIS67DK Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NO, not shielded - increased range 14mm 95B063570IS67SKMIS67SK Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NO, not shielded - short housing 8mmISI67SK^ISI67SK Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NO, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 8mmIS68K<IS68K Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NC, not shielded 8mm 95B061730IS68DKPIS68DK Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NC, not shielded - increased range 14mm 95B063590IS68SKMIS68SK Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NC, not shielded - short housing 8mmISI68SK^ISI68SK Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NC, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 8mmIS70K<IS70K Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NO, not shielded 8mmIS70DKPIS70DK Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NO, not shielded - increased range 14mm 95B063610IS70SKMIS70SK Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NO, not shielded - short housing 8mmISI70SK^ISI70SK Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NO, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 8mmIS71K<IS71K Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NC, not shielded 8mmIS71DKPIS71DK Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NC, not shielded - increased range 14mm 95B063630IS71SKMIS71SK Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NC, not shielded - short housing 8mmISI71SK^ISI71SK Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NC, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 8mmIS43DKNIS43DK Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NO-NC, shielded - increased range 8mm 95B062710IS46DKNIS46DK Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NO-NC, shielded - increased range 8mm 95B062730IS69DKSIS69DK Inductive sensors diameter 18 NPN NO-NC, not shielded - increased range 14mm 95B062790IS72DKSIS72DK Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NO-NC, not shielded - increased range 14mm 95B062810ISM03KFISM03K Inductive sensors diameter 18 programmable output, shielded 5mmISM03DKYISM03DK Inductive sensors diameter 18 programmable output, shielded - increased range 8mmISM04KJISM04K Inductive sensors diameter 18 programmable output, not shielded 8mmISM04DK^ISM04DK Inductive sensors diameter 18 programmable output, not shielded - increased range 14mmIS13KKIS13K Inductive sensors diameter 18 NO-NC programmable output, shielded 5mm 95B063940IS13DK^IS13DK Inductive sensors diameter 18 NO-NC programmable output, shielded - increased range 8mmIS19KOIS19K Inductive sensors diameter 18 NO-NC programmable output, not shielded 8mmIS19DKcIS19DK Inductive sensors diameter 18 NO-NC programmable output, not shielded - increased range 14mmISWI44KRISWI44K Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NO, shielded stainless steel housing 5mmISWI70KVISWI70K Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NO, not shielded stainless steel housing 8mmISMF44KRISMF44K Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NO, shielded stainless steel housing 5mmISMF70KVISMF70K Inductive sensors diameter 18 PNP NO, not shielded stainless steel housing 8mm 95B063880INDUCTIVE 30mm8IS47 Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NO, shielded 10mmKIS47D Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NO, shielded - increased range 15mm 95B063640IIS47S Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NO, shielded - short housing 10mmZISI47S Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NO, shielded - stainless steel short housing 10mm8IS48 Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NC, shielded 10mmKIS48D Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NC, shielded - increased range 15mm 95B063660IIS48S Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NC, shielded - short housing 10mmZISI48S Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NC, shielded stainless steel short housing - 10mm8IS50 Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NO, shielded 10mmKIS50D Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NO, shielded - increased range 15mmIIS50S Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NO, shielded - short housing 10mmZISI50S Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NO, shielded - stainless steel short housing 10mm8IS51 Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NC, shielded 10mmKIS51D Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NC, shielded - increased range 15mm 95B063700IIS51S Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NC, shielded - short housing 10mmZISI51S Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NC, shielded - stainless steel short housing 10mm<IS73 Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NO, not shielded 15mmOIS73D Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NO, not shielded - increased range 20mm 95B063720MIS73S Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NO, not shielded - short housing 15mm^ISI73S Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NO, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 15mm<IS74 Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NC, not shielded 15mmOIS74D Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NC, not shielded - increased range 20mm 95B063740MIS74S Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NC, not shielded - short housing 15mm^ISI74S Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NC, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 15mm<IS76 Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NO, not shielded 15mmOIS76D Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NO, not shielded - increased range 20mm 95B063760MIS76S Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NO, not shielded - short housing 15mm^ISI76S Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NO, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 15mm<IS77 Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NC, not shielded 15mmOIS77D Inductive sensors < diameter 30 PNP NC, not shielded - increased range 20mm 95B063780MIS77S Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NC, not shielded - short housing 15mm^ISI77S Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NC, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 15mmNIS49D Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NO-NC, shielded - increased range 15mmNIS52D Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NO-NC, shielded - increased range 15mm 95B063820RIS75D Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NO-NC, not shielded - increased range 20mmRIS78D Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NO-NC, not shielded - increased range 20mmFISM05 Inductive sensors diameter 30 programmable output, shielded 10mmYISM05D Inductive sensors diameter 30 programmable output, shielded - increased range 15mm 95B063860JISM06 Inductive sensors diameter 30 programmable output, not shielded 15mm]ISM06D Inductive sensors diameter 30 programmable output, not shielded - increased range 20mmKIS15 Inductive sensors diameter 30 NO-NC programmable output, shielded 10mm^IS15D Inductive sensors diameter 30 NO-NC programmable output, shielded - increased range 15mmOIS21 Inductive sensors diameter 30 NO-NC programmable output, not shielded 15mmbIS21D Inductive sensors diameter 30 NO-NC programmable output, not shielded - increased range 20mm4IS83 Inductive sensors diameter 30 NO, shielded 10mm 95B062900 95B060810GIS83D Inductive sensors diameter 30 NO, shielded - increased range 15mm4IS84 Inductive sensors diameter 30 NC, shielded 10mm 95B062920GIS84D Inductive sensors diameter 30 NC, shielded - increased range 15mm8IS89 Inductive sensors diameter 30 NO, not shielded 15mm 95B063020KIS89D Inductive sensors diameter 30 NO, not shielded - increased range 20mm8IS90 Inductive sensors diameter 30 NC, not shielded 15mm 95B063040KIS90D Inductive sensors diameter 30 NC, not shielded - increased range 20mm5IS104 Inductive sensors diameter 30 NO, shielded 10mmHIS104D Inductive sensors diameter 30 NO, shielded - increased range 15mm 95B0639105IS105 Inductive sensors diameter 30 NC, shielded 10mmHIS105D Inductive sensors diameter 30 NC, shielded - increased range 15mm9IS110 Inductive sensors diameter 30 NO, not shielded 15mmLIS110D Inductive sensors diameter 30 NO, not shielded - increased range 20mm9IS111 Inductive sensors diameter 30 NC, not shielded 15mmLIS111D Inductive sensors diameter 30 NC, not shielded - increased range 20mm1IS05 Inductive sensors diameter 30, shielded 10mm5IS10 Inductive sensors diameter 30, not shielded 15mm9IS47K Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NO, shielded 10mm 95B061390LIS47DK Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NO, shielded - increased range 15mm 95B063650JIS47SK Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NO, shielded - short housing 10mm[ISI47SK Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NO, shielded - stainless steel short housing 10mm9IS48K Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NC, shielded 10mmLIS48DK Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NC, shielded - increased range 15mm 95B063670JIS48SK Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NC, shielded - short housing 10mm[ISI48SK Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NC, shielded stainless steel short housing - 10mm9IS50K Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NO, shielded 10mm 95B061430LIS50DK Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NO, shielded - increased range 15mmJIS50SK Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NO, shielded - short housing 10mm[ISI50SK Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NO, shielded - stainless steel short housing 10mm9IS51K Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NC, shielded 10mm 95B061450LIS51DK Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NC, shielded - increased range 15mm 95B063710JIS51SK Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NC, shielded - short housing 10mm[ISI51SK Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NC, shielded - stainless steel short housing 10mm=IS73K Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NO, not shielded 15mm 95B061790PIS73DK Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NO, not shielded - increased range 20mm 95B063730NIS73SK Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NO, not shielded - short housing 15mm_ISI73SK Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NO, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 15mm=IS74K Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NC, not shielded 15mm 95B061810PIS74DK Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NC, not shielded - increased range 20mm 95B063750NIS74SK Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NC, not shielded - short housing 15mm_ISI74SK Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NC, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 15mm=IS76K Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NO, not shielded 15mmPIS76DK Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NO, not shielded - increased range 20mm 95B063770NIS76SK Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NO, not shielded - short housing 15mm_ISI76SK Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NO, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 15mm=IS77K Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NC, not shielded 15mmPIS77DK Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NC, not shielded - increased range 20mm 95B063790NIS77SK Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NC, not shielded - short housing 15mm_ISI77SK Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NC, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 15mmOIS49DK Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NO-NC, shielded - increased range 15mmOIS52DK Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NO-NC, shielded - increased range 15mm 95B063830SIS75DK Inductive sensors diameter 30 NPN NO-NC, not shielded - increased range 20mmSIS78DK Inductive sensors diameter 30 PNP NO-NC, not shielded - increased range 20mmGISM05K Inductive sensors diameter 30 programmable output, shielded 10mmZISM05DK Inductive sensors diameter 30 programmable output, shielded - increased range 15mmKISM06K Inductive sensors diameter 30 programmable output, not shielded 15mm^ISM06DK Inductive sensors diameter 30 programmable output, not shielded - increased range 20mmLIS15K Inductive sensors diameter 30 NO-NC programmable output, shielded 10mm_IS15DK Inductive sensors diameter 30 NO-NC programmable output, shielded - increased range 15mmPIS21K Inductive sensors diameter 30 NO-NC programmable output, not shielded 15mmcIS21DK Inductive sensors diameter 30 NO-NC programmable output, not shielded - increased range 20mm5IS83K Inductive sensors diameter 30 NO, shielded 10mm 95B062910 95B060820HIS83DK Inductive sensors diameter 30 NO, shielded - increased range 15mm5IS84K Inductive sensors diameter 30 NC, shielded 10mm 95B062930HIS84DK Inductive sensors diameter 30 NC, shielded - increased range 15mm9IS89K Inductive sensors diameter 30 NO, not shielded 15mm 95B063030LIS89DK Inductive sensors diameter 30 NO, not shielded - increased range 20mm9IS90K Inductive sensors diameter 30 NC, not shielded 15mm 95B063050LIS90DK Inductive sensors diameter 30 NC, not shielded - increased range 20mm6IS104K Inductive sensors diameter 30 NO, shielded 10mmIIS104DK Inductive sensors diameter 30 NO, shielded - increased range 15mm6IS105K Inductive sensors diameter 30 NC, shielded 10mmIIS105DK Inductive sensors diameter 30 NC, shielded - increased range 15mm:IS110K Inductive sensors diameter 30 NO, not shielded 15mmMIS110DK Inductive sensors diameter 30 NO, not shielded - increased range 20mm:IS111K Inductive sensors diameter 30 NC, not shielded 15mmMIS111DK Inductive sensors diameter 30 NC, not shielded - increased range 20mm2IS05K Inductive sensors diameter 30, shielded 10mm6IS10K Inductive sensors diameter 30, not shielded 15mmINDUCTIVE SQUARE 8x8 mmISQ01/ISQ01 Inductive sensors NPN NO, side head 1,5mmISQ02/ISQ02 Inductive sensors NPN NC, side head 1,5mmISQ04/ISQ04 Inductive sensors PNP NO, side head 1,5mmISQ05/ISQ05 Inductive sensors PNP NC, side head 1,5mmISQ072ISQ07 Inductive sensors NPN NO, central head 1,5mmISQ082ISQ08 Inductive sensors NPN NC, central head 1,5mmISQ102ISQ10 Inductive sensors PNP NO, central head 1,5mmISQ112ISQ11 Inductive sensors PNP NC, central head 1,5mmISQ01K11ISQ01K1 Inductive sensors NPN NO, side head 1,5mmISQ02K11ISQ02K1 Inductive sensors NPN NC, side head 1,5mmISQ04K11ISQ04K1 Inductive sensors PNP NO, side< head 1,5mmISQ05K11ISQ05K1 Inductive sensors PNP NC, side head 1,5mm 95B063920 IS-88-Q2-S1ISQ07K14ISQ07K1 Inductive sensors NPN NO, central head 1,5mmISQ08K14ISQ08K1 Inductive sensors NPN NC, central head 1,5mmISQ10K14ISQ10K1 Inductive sensors PNP NO, central head 1,5mmISQ11K14ISQ11K1 Inductive sensors PNP NC, central head 1,5mm#INDUCTIVE RECTANGULAR 16,5x30x10 mmISP01.ISP01 Inductive sensors NPN NO, shielded 1,5mmISP02.ISP02 Inductive sensors NPN NC, shielded 1,5mmISP04.ISP04 Inductive sensors PNP NO, shielded 1,5mm 95B060830 IS-88-Q1-03%IS-88-Q1-03 SQUARE FLUSH PNP NO CABLEISP05.ISP05 Inductive sensors PNP NC, shielded 1,5mmISP01K10ISP01K1 Inductive sensors NPN NO, shielded 1,5mmISP02K10ISP02K1 Inductive sensors NPN NC, shielded 1,5mmISP04K10ISP04K1 Inductive sensors PNP NO, shielded 1,5mm 95B060840 IS-88-Q1-S1"IS-88-Q1-S1 SQUARE FLUSH PNP NO M8ISP05K10ISP05K1 Inductive sensors PNP NC, shielded 1,5mmINDUCTIVE SQUARE 40x40 mm 958801020'XSP4003 DC SQUARE IND.PROXIMITY SENSOR 95B065230%IS-40-W6-03 40X40 FLUSH NPN NO-NC 2MT 958801030'XSP4006 DC SQUARE IND.PROXIMITY SENSOR 95B065240%IS-40-W5-03 40X40 FLUSH PNP NO-NC 2MT 958801050INFRADLA OLDDLA NEWCODEMODEL DESCRITPIONINDUCTIVE 4mm 2MT CABLE 958301000IS23IS23 SENS.IND. 10-30VDC NPN NO 95B061000 IS-04-A3-03IS-04-A3-03 PROX NPN NO 2MT 95B061001IS-04-A3-03 4 FLUSH NPN NO 2MT 958301010IS24IS24 SENS.IND. 10-30VDC PNP NO 95B061010 IS-04-A1-03%XSP4013 AC/DC SQUARE IND.PROX.SENSOR 95B065250&IS-40-W7-03 40X40 FLUSH 2 WIRES NO 2MT 958801060%XSP4014 AC/DC SQUARE IND.PROX.SENSOR 95B065260&IS-40-W8-03 40X40 FLUSH 2 WIRES NC 2MT 958801320'XSP4017 DC SQUARE IND.PROXIMITY SENSOR 95B065270)IS-40-Y6-03 40X40 NON FLUSH NPN NO-NC 2MT 958801070'XSP4020 DC SQUARE IND.PROXIMITY SENSOR 95B065280IS-04-A1-03 PROX PNP NO 2MT 95B061011IS-04-A3-03 4 FLUSH PNP NO 2MTINDUCTIVE 5mm 958351000IS25IS25 SENS.IND. 10-30VDC NPN NO 95B061020 IS-05-A3-03IS-05-A3-03 PROX NPN NO 2MT 95B061021IS-05-A3-03 5 FLUSH NPN NO 2MT 958351010IS26IS26 SENS.IND. 10-30VDC PNP NO 95B061040 IS-05-A1-03IS-05-A1-03 PROX PNP NO 2MT 95B061041IS-05-A1-03 5 FLUSH PNP NO 2MT M8 CONNECTOR 958351040IS25K1!IS25K1 SENS.IND. 10-30VDC NPN NO 95B061030 IS-05-A3-S1IS-05-A3-S1 PROX NPN NO M8 95B061031IS-05-A3-S1 5 FLUSH NPN NO M8 958351020IS26K1!IS26K1 SENS.IND. 10-30VDC PNP NO 95B061050 IS-05-A1-S1IS-05-A1-S1 PROX PNP NO M8 95B061051IS-05-A1-S1 5 FLUSH PNP NO M8INDUCTIVE 6,5mm:IS27 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 NPN NO, shielded 1,5mm 95B064650!IS-65-A3-03 6,5 FLUSH NPN NO 2MTKIS27D Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 NPN NO, shielded - increased range 2mm 95B064660*IS-65-G3-03 6,5 FLUSH SHORT 2X NPN NO 2MTKIS27S Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 NPN NO, shielded - short housing 1,5mm 95B064670'IS-65-B3-03 6,5 FLUSH SHORT NPN NO 2MT\ISI27S Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 NPN NO, shielded - stainless steel short housing 1,5mm 95B064680-IS-65-M3-03 6,5 FLUSH SHORT STEEL NPN NO 2MT:IS28 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 NPN NC, shielded 1,5mm 95B064690!IS-65-A4-03 6,5 FLUSH NPN NC 2MTKIS28D Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 NPN NC, shielded - increased range 2mm 95B064700*IS-65-G4-03 6,5 FLUSH SHORT 2X NPN NC 2MTKIS28S Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 NPN NC, shielded - short housing 1,5mm 95B064710'IS-65-B4-03 6,5 FLUSH SHORT NPN NC 2MT\ISI28S Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 NPN NC, shielded - stainless steel short housing 1,5mm 95B064720-IS-65-M4-03 6,5 FLUSH SHORT STEEL NPN NC 2MT:IS29 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 PNP NO, shielded 1,5mm 95B064730!IS-65-A1-03 6,5 FLUSH PNP NO 2MTKIS29D Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 PNP NO, shielded - increased range 2mm 95B064740*IS-65-G1-03 6,5 FLUSH SHORT 2X PNP NO 2MTKIS29S Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 PNP NO, shielded - short housing 1,5mm 95B064750'IS-65-B1-03 6,5 FLUSH SHORT PNP NO 2MT\ISI29S Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 PNP NO, shielded - stainless steel short housing 1,5mm 95B064760-IS-65-M1-03 6,5 FLUSH SHORT STEEL PNP NO 2MT:IS30 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 PNP NC, shielded 1,5mm 95B064770!IS-65-A2-03 6,5 FLUSH PNP NC 2MTKIS30D Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 PNP NC, shielded - increased range 2mm 95B064780'IS-65-G2-03 6,5 FLUSH SHORT PNP NC 2MTKIS30S Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 PNP NC, shielded - short housing 1,5mm 95B064790'IS-65-B2-03 6,5 FLUSH SHORT PNP NC 2MT\ISI30S Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 PNP NC, shielded - stainless steel short housing 1,5mm 95B064800-IS-65-M2-03 6,5 FLUSH SHORT STEEL PNP NC 2MT<IS53 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 NPN NO, not shielded 2mm 95B064810%IS-65-C3-03 6,5 NON FLUSH NPN NO 2MTOIS53D Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 NPN NO, not shielded - increased range 3mm 95B064820.IS-65-H3-03 6,5 NON FLUSH SHORT 2X NPN NO 2MTMIS53S Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 NPN NO, not shielded - short housing 2mm 95B064830+IS-65-D3-03 6,5 NON FLUSH SHORT NPN NO 2MT^ISI53S Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 NPN NO, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 2mm 95B0648401IS-65-N3-03 6,5 NON FLUSH SHORT STEEL NPN NO 2MT<IS54 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 NPN NC, not shielded 2mm 95B064850%IS-65-C4-03 6,5 NON FLUSH NPN NC 2MTOIS54D Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 NPN NC, not shielded - increased range 3mm 95B064860.IS-65-H4-03 6,5 NON FLUSH SHORT 2X NPN NC 2MTMIS54S Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 NPN NC, not shielded - short housing 2mm 95B064870+IS-65-D4-03 6,5 NON FLUSH SHORT NPN NC 2MT^ISI54S Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 NPN NC, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 2mm 95B0648801IS-65-N4-03 6,5 NON FLUSH SHORT STEEL NPN NC 2MT<IS55 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 PNP NO, not shielded 2mm 95B064890%IS-65-C1-03 6,5 NON FLUSH PNP NO 2MTOIS55D Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 PNP NO, not shielded - increased range 3mm 95B064900(IS-65-H1-03 6,5 NON FLUSH 2X PNP NO 2MTMIS55S Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 PNP NO, not shielded - short housing 2mm 95B064910+IS-65-D1-03 6,5 NON FLUSH SHORT PNP NO 2MT^ISI55S Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 PNP NO, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 2mm 95B0649201IS-65-N1-03 6,5 NON FLUSH SHORT STEEL PNP NO 2MT<IS56 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 PNP NC, not shielded 2mm 95B064930%IS-65-C2-03 6,5 NON FLUSH PNP NC 2MTOIS56D Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 PNP NC, not shielded - increased range 3mm 95B064940+IS-65-H2-03 6,5 NON FLUSH SHORT PNP NC 2MTMIS56S Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 PNP NC, not shielded - short housing 2mm 95B064950+IS-65-D2-03 6,5 NON FLUSH SHORT PNP NC 2MT^ISI56S Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 PNP NC, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 2mm 95B0649601IS-65-N2-03 6,5 NON FLUSH SHORT STEEL PNP NC 2MT3IS01 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5, shielded 1,5mm 95B066290 IS-65-A20-03 6,5 FLUSH NAMUR M85IS06 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5, not shielded 2mm 95B066300$IS-65-C20-03 6,5 NON FLUSH NAMUR M8<IS27K1 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 NPN NO, shielded 1,5mm 95B064970 IS-65-A3-S1 6,5 FLUSH NPN NO M8MIS27DK1 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 NPN NO, shielded - increased range 2mm 95B064980)IS-65-G3-S1 6,5 FLUSH SHORT 2X NPN NO M8MIS27SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 NPN NO, shielded - short housing 1,5mm 95B064990&IS-65-B3-S1 6,5 FLUSH SHORT NPN NO M8^ISI27SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 NPN NO, shielded - stainless steel short housing 1,5mm 95B066000,IS-65-M3-S1 6,5 FLUSH SHORT STEEL NPN NO M8<IS28K1 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 NPN NC, shielded 1,5mm 95B066010 IS-65-A4-S1 6,5 FLUSH NPN NC M8MIS28DK1 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 NPN NC, shielded - increased range 2mm 95B066020)IS-65-G4-S1 6,5 FLUSH SHORT 2X NPN NO M8MIS28SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 NPN NC, shielded - short housing 1,5mm 95B066030&IS-65-B4-S1 6,5 FLUSH SHORT NPN NC M8^ISI28SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 NPN NC, shielded - s< tainless steel short housing 1,5mm 95B066040,IS-65-M4-S1 6,5 FLUSH SHORT STEEL NPN NC M8<IS29K1 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 PNP NO, shielded 1,5mm 95B066050 IS-65-A1-S1 6,5 FLUSH PNP NO M8MIS29DK1 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 PNP NO, shielded - increased range 2mm 95B066060)IS-65-G1-S1 6,5 FLUSH SHORT 2X PNP NO M8MIS29SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 PNP NO, shielded - short housing 1,5mm 95B066070&IS-65-B1-S1 6,5 FLUSH SHORT PNP NO M8^ISI29SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 PNP NO, shielded - stainless steel short housing 1,5mm 95B066080,IS-65-M1-S1 6,5 FLUSH SHORT STEEL PNP NO M8<IS30K1 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 PNP NC, shielded 1,5mm 95B066090 IS-65-A2-S1 6,5 FLUSH PNP NC M8MIS30DK1 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 PNP NC, shielded - increased range 2mm 95B066100&IS-65-G2-S1 6,5 FLUSH SHORT PNP NC M8MIS30SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 PNP NC, shielded - short housing 1,5mm 95B066110&IS-65-B2-S1 6,5 FLUSH SHORT PNP NC M8^ISI30SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 PNP NC, shielded - stainless steel short housing 1,5mm 95B066120,IS-65-M2-S1 6,5 FLUSH SHORT STEEL PNP NC M8>IS53K1 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 NPN NO, not shielded 2mm 95B066130$IS-65-C3-S1 6,5 NON FLUSH NPN NO M8QIS53DK1 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 NPN NO, not shielded - increased range 3mm 95B066140-IS-65-H3-S1 6,5 NON FLUSH SHORT 2X NPN NO M8OIS53SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 NPN NO, not shielded - short housing 2mm 95B066150*IS-65-D3-S1 6,5 NON FLUSH SHORT NPN NO M8`ISI53SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 NPN NO, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 2mm 95B0661600IS-65-N3-S1 6,5 NON FLUSH SHORT STEEL NPN NO M8>IS54K1 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 NPN NC, not shielded 2mm 95B066170$IS-65-C4-S1 6,5 NON FLUSH NPN NC M8QIS54DK1 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 NPN NC, not shielded - increased range 3mm 95B066180-IS-65-H4-S1 6,5 NON FLUSH SHORT 2X NPN NC M8OIS54SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 NPN NC, not shielded - short housing 2mm 95B066190*IS-65-D4-S1 6,5 NON FLUSH SHORT NPN NC M8`ISI54SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 NPN NC, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 2mm 95B0662000IS-65-N4-S1 6,5 NON FLUSH SHORT STEEL NPN NC M8>IS55K1 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 PNP NO, not shielded 2mm 95B066210$IS-65-C1-S1 6,5 NON FLUSH PNP NO M8QIS55DK1 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 PNP NO, not shielded - increased range 3mm 95B066220-IS-65-H1-S1 6,5 NON FLUSH SHORT 2X PNP NO M8OIS55SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 PNP NO, not shielded - short housing 2mm 95B066230*IS-65-D1-S1 6,5 NON FLUSH SHORT PNP NO M8`ISI55SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 PNP NO, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 2mm 95B0662400IS-65-N1-S1 6,5 NON FLUSH SHORT STEEL PNP NO M8>IS56K1 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 PNP NC, not shielded 2mm 95B066250$IS-65-C2-S1 6,5 NON FLUSH PNP NC M8QIS56DK1 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 PNP NC, not shielded - increased range 3mm 95B066260*IS-65-H2-S1 6,5 NON FLUSH SHORT PNP NC M8OIS56SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 PNP NC, not shielded - short housing 2mm 95B066270*IS-65-D2-S1 6,5 NON FLUSH SHORT PNP NC M8`ISI56SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5 PNP NC, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 2mm 95B0662800IS-65-N2-S1 6,5 NON FLUSH SHORT STEEL PNP NC M85IS01K1 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5, shielded 1,5mm 95B066310 IS-65-A20-S1 6,5 FLUSH NAMUR M87IS06K1 Inductive sensors diameter 6.5, not shielded 2mm 95B066320$IS-65-C20-S1 6,5 NON FLUSH NAMUR M8INDUCTIVE 8mm8IS31 Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NO, shielded 1,5mm 95B061060IS-08-A3-03 8 FLUSH NPN NO 2MT 95B061061IIS31S Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NO, shielded - short housing 1,5mm 95B061860%IS-08-B3-03 8 FLUSH SHORT NPN NO 2MT 95B0618618IS32 Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NC, shielded 1,5mm 95B061090IS-08-A4-03 8 FLUSH NPN NC 2MT 95B061091IIS32S Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NC, shielded - short housing 1,5mm 95B061890%IS-08-B4-03 8 FLUSH SHORT NPN NC 2MT 95B0618918IS33 Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NO, shielded 1,5mm 95B061120IS-08-A1-03 8 FLUSH PNP NO 2MT 95B061121IIS33S Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NO, shielded - short housing 1,5mm 95B061920%IS-08-B1-03 8 FLUSH SHORT PNP NO 2MT 95B0619218IS34 Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NC, shielded 1,5mm 95B061150IS-08-A2-03 8 FLUSH PNP NC 2MT 95B061151IIS34S Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NC, shielded - short housing 1,5mm 95B061950%IS-08-B2-03 8 FLUSH SHORT PNP NC 2MT 95B061951KIS58S Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NC, not shielded - short housing 2mm 95B062290)IS-08-D4-03 8 NON FLUSH SHORT NPN NC 2MT 95B062291:IS59 Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NO, not shielded 2mm 95B061520#IS-08-C1-03 8 NON FLUSH PNP NO 2MT 95B061521KIS59S Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NO, not shielded - short housing 2mm 95B062320)IS-08-D1-03 8 NON FLUSH SHORT PNP NO 2MT 95B062321:IS60 Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NC, not shielded 2mm 95B061550#IS-08-C2-03 8 NON FLUSH PNP NC 2MT 95B061551KIS60S Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NC, not shielded - short housing 2mm 95B062350)IS-08-D2-03 8 NON FLUSH SHORT PNP NC 2MT 95B062351IIS31D Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NO, shielded - increased range 2mm 95B066330(IS-08-G3-03 8 FLUSH SHORT 2X NPN NO 2MTZISI31S Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NO, shielded - stainless steel short housing 1,5mm 95B066340+IS-08-M3-03 8 FLUSH SHORT STEEL NPN NO 2MTIIS32D Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NC, shielded - increased range 2mm 95B066350(IS-08-G4-03 8 FLUSH SHORT 2X NPN NC 2MTZISI32S Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NC, shielded - stainless steel short housing 1,5mm 95B066360+IS-08-M4-03 8 FLUSH SHORT STEEL NPN NC 2MTIIS33D Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NO, shielded - increased range 2mm 95B066370(IS-08-G1-03 8 FLUSH SHORT 2X PNP NO 2MTZISI33S Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NO, shielded - stainless steel short housing 1,5mm 95B066380+IS-08-M1-03 8 FLUSH SHORT STEEL PNP NO 2MTIIS34D Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NC, shielded - increased range 2mm 95B066390%IS-08-G2-03 8 FLUSH SHORT PNP NC 2MTZISI34S Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NC, shielded - stainless steel short housing 1,5mm 95B066400+IS-08-M2-03 8 FLUSH SHORT STEEL PNP NC 2MT:IS57 Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NO, not shielded 2mm 95B066410#IS-08-C3-03 8 NON FLUSH NPN NO 2MTMIS57D Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NO, not shielded - increased range 3mm 95B066420,IS-08-H3-03 8 NON FLUSH SHORT 2X NPN NO 2MTKIS57S Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NO, not shielded - short housing 2mm 95B066430)IS-08-D3-03 8 NON FLUSH SHORT NPN NO 2MT\ISI57S Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NO, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 2mm 95B066440/IS-08-N3-03 8 NON FLUSH SHORT STEEL NPN NO 2MT:IS58 Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NC, not shielded 2mm 95B066450#IS-08-C4-03 8 NON FLUSH NPN NC 2MTMIS58D Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NC, not shielded - increased range 3mm 95B066460,IS-08-H4-03 8 NON FLUSH SHORT 2X NPN NC 2MT\ISI58S Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NC, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 2mm 95B066470/IS-08-N4-03 8 NON FLUSH SHORT STEEL NPN NC 2MTMIS59D Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NO, not shielded - increased range 3mm 95B066480,IS-08-H1-03 8 NON FLUSH SHORT 2X PNP NO 2MT\ISI59S Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NO, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 2mm 95B066490/IS-08-N1-03 8 NON FLUSH SHORT STEEL PNP NO 2MTMIS60D Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NC, not shielded - increased range 3mm 95B066500)IS-08-H2-03 8 NON FLUSH SHORT PNP NC 2MT\ISI60S Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NC, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 2mm 95B066510/IS-08-N2-03 8 NON FLUSH SHORT STEEL PNP NC 2MT0IS02 Inductive sensors diameter 8, shielded 1 mm 95B066740IS-08-A20-03 8 FLUSH NAMUR 2MT3IS07 Inductive sensors diameter 8, not shielded 2mm 95B066750#IS-08-C20-03 8 NON FLUSH NAMUR 2MT2IS02K1 Inducti< ve sensors diameter 8, shielded 1 mm 95B066780IS-08-A20-S1 8 FLUSH NAMUR M85IS07K1 Inductive sensors diameter 8, not shielded 2mm 95B066790"IS-08-C20-S1 8 NON FLUSH NAMUR M8KIS31DK1 Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NO, shielded - increased range 2mm 95B066800'IS-08-G3-S1 8 FLUSH SHORT 2X NPN NO M8KIS31SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NO, shielded - short housing 1,5mm 95B066810$IS-08-B3-S1 8 FLUSH SHORT NPN NO M8\ISI31SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NO, shielded - stainless steel short housing 1,5mm 95B066820*IS-08-M3-S1 8 FLUSH SHORT STEEL NPN NO M8KIS32SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NC, shielded - short housing 1,5mm 95B066830$IS-08-B4-S1 8 FLUSH SHORT NPN NC M8\ISI32SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NC, shielded - stainless steel short housing 1,5mm 95B066840*IS-08-M4-S1 8 FLUSH SHORT STEEL NPN NC M8KIS33DK1 Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NO, shielded - increased range 2mm 95B066850'IS-08-G1-S1 8 FLUSH SHORT 2X PNP NO M8KIS33SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NO, shielded - short housing 1,5mm 95B066860$IS-08-B1-S1 8 FLUSH SHORT PNP NO M8\ISI33SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NO, shielded - stainless steel short housing 1,5mm 95B066870*IS-08-M1-S1 8 FLUSH SHORT STEEL PNP NO M8KIS34DK1 Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NC, shielded - increased range 2mm 95B066880$IS-08-G2-S1 8 FLUSH SHORT PNP NC M8KIS34SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NC, shielded - short housing 1,5mm 95B066890$IS-08-B2-S1 8 FLUSH SHORT PNP NC M8\ISI34SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NC, shielded - stainless steel short housing 1,5mm 95B066900*IS-08-M2-S1 8 FLUSH SHORT STEEL PNP NC M8OIS57DK1 Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NO, not shielded - increased range 3mm 95B066910+IS-08-H3-S1 8 NON FLUSH SHORT 2X NPN NO M8MIS57SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NO, not shielded - short housing 2mm 95B066920(IS-08-D3-S1 8 NON FLUSH SHORT NPN NO M8^ISI57SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NO, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 2mm 95B066930.IS-08-N3-S1 8 NON FLUSH SHORT STEEL NPN NO M8MIS58SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NC, not shielded - short housing 2mm 95B066940(IS-08-D4-S1 8 NON FLUSH SHORT NPN NC M8^ISI58SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NC, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 2mm 95B066950.IS-08-N4-S1 8 NON FLUSH SHORT STEEL NPN NC M8OIS59DK1 Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NO, not shielded - increased range 3mm 95B066960+IS-08-H1-S1 8 NON FLUSH SHORT 2X PNP NO M8MIS59SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NO, not shielded - short housing 2mm 95B066970(IS-08-D1-S1 8 NON FLUSH SHORT PNP NO M8^ISI59SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NO, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 2mm 95B066980.IS-08-N1-S1 8 NON FLUSH SHORT STEEL PNP NO M8OIS60DK1 Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NC, not shielded - increased range 3mm 95B066990(IS-08-H2-S1 8 NON FLUSH SHORT PNP NC M8MIS60SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NC, not shielded - short housing 2mm 95B067000(IS-08-D2-S1 8 NON FLUSH SHORT PNP NC M8^ISI60SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NC, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 2mm 95B067010.IS-08-N2-S1 8 NON FLUSH SHORT STEEL PNP NC M8:IS31K1 Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NO, shielded 1,5mm 95B061080IS-08-A3-S1 8 FLUSH NPN NO M8 95B061081:IS32K1 Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NC, shielded 1,5mm 95B061110IS-08-A4-S1 8 FLUSH NPN NC M8 95B061111KIS32DK1 Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NC, shielded - increased range 2mm 95B063130'IS-08-G4-S1 8 FLUSH SHORT 2X NPN NC M8 95B063131:IS33K1 Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NO, shielded 1,5mm 95B061140IS-08-A1-S1 8 FLUSH PNP NO M8 95B061141:IS34K1 Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NC, shielded 1,5mm 95B061170IS-08-A2-S1 8 FLUSH PNP NC M8 95B061171<IS57K1 Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NO, not shielded 2mm 95B061480"IS-08-C3-S1 8 NON FLUSH NPN NO M8 95B061481<IS58K1 Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NC, not shielded 2mm 95B061510"IS-08-C4-S1 8 NON FLUSH NPN NC M8 95B061511OIS58DK1 Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NC, not shielded - increased range 3mm 95B063250+IS-08-H4-S1 8 NON FLUSH SHORT 2X NPN NC M8 95B063251<IS59K1 Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NO, not shielded 2mm 95B061540"IS-08-C1-S1 8 NON FLUSH PNP NO M8 95B061541<IS60K1 Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NC, not shielded 2mm 95B061570"IS-08-C2-S1 8 NON FLUSH PNP NC M8 95B061571 M12 CONNECTORJIS31DK Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NO, shielded - increased range 2mm 95B066520(IS-08-G3-S2 8 FLUSH SHORT 2X NPN NO M12JIS31SK Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NO, shielded - short housing 1,5mm 95B066530%IS-08-B3-S2 8 FLUSH SHORT NPN NO M12[ISI31SK Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NO, shielded - stainless steel short housing 1,5mm 95B066540+IS-08-M3-S2 8 FLUSH SHORT STEEL NPN NO M12JIS32DK Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NC, shielded - increased range 2mm 95B066550(IS-08-G4-S2 8 FLUSH SHORT 2X NPN NC M12JIS32SK Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NC, shielded - short housing 1,5mm 95B066560%IS-08-B4-S2 8 FLUSH SHORT NPN NC M12[ISI32SK Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NC, shielded - stainless steel short housing 1,5mm 95B066570+IS-08-M4-S2 8 FLUSH SHORT STEEL NPN NC M12JIS33DK Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NO, shielded - increased range 2mm 95B066580(IS-08-G1-S2 8 FLUSH SHORT 2X PNP NO M12JIS33SK Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NO, shielded - short housing 1,5mm 95B066590%IS-08-B1-S2 8 FLUSH SHORT PNP NO M12[ISI33SK Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NO, shielded - stainless steel short housing 1,5mm 95B066600+IS-08-M1-S2 8 FLUSH SHORT STEEL PNP NO M12JIS34DK Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NC, shielded - increased range 2mm 95B066610%IS-08-G2-S2 8 FLUSH SHORT PNP NC M12JIS34SK Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NC, shielded - short housing 1,5mm 95B066620%IS-08-B2-S2 8 FLUSH SHORT PNP NC M12[ISI34SK Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NC, shielded - stainless steel short housing 1,5mm 95B066630+IS-08-M2-S2 8 FLUSH SHORT STEEL PNP NC M12NIS57DK Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NO, not shielded - increased range 3mm 95B066640,IS-08-H3-S2 8 NON FLUSH SHORT 2X NPN NO M12LIS57SK Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NO, not shielded - short housing 2mm 95B066650)IS-08-D3-S2 8 NON FLUSH SHORT NPN NO M12]ISI57SK Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NO, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 2mm 95B066660/IS-08-N3-S2 8 NON FLUSH SHORT STEEL NPN NO M12LIS58SK Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NC, not shielded - short housing 2mm 95B066670)IS-08-D4-S2 8 NON FLUSH SHORT NPN NC M12]ISI58SK Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NC, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 2mm 95B066680/IS-08-N4-S2 8 NON FLUSH SHORT STEEL NPN NC M12NIS59DK Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NO, not shielded - increased range 3mm 95B066690,IS-08-H1-S2 8 NON FLUSH SHORT 2X PNP NO M12LIS59SK Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NO, not shielded - short housing 2mm 95B066700)IS-08-D1-S2 8 NON FLUSH SHORT PNP NO M12]ISI59SK Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NO, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 2mm 95B066710/IS-08-N1-S2 8 NON FLUSH SHORT STEEL PNP NO M12LIS60SK Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NC, not shielded - short housing 2mm 95B066720)IS-08-D2-S2 8 NON FLUSH SHORT PNP NC M12]ISI60SK Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NC, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 2mm 95B066730/IS-08-N2-S2 8 NON FLUSH SHORT STEEL PNP NC M121IS02K Inductive sensors diameter 8, shielded 1 mm 95B066760IS-08-A20-03 8 FLUSH NAMUR M124IS07K Inductive sensors diameter 8, not shielded 2mm 95B066770#IS-08-C20-03 8 NON FLUSH NAMUR M129IS31K Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NO, shielded 1,5mm 95B061070IS-08-A3-S2 8 FLUSH NPN NO M12 95B0610719IS32K Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NC, shielded 1,5mm 95B061100IS-08-A4-S2 8 FLUSH NPN NC M12 95B0611019IS33K Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NO, shielded 1,5mm 95B061130IS-08-A1-S2 8 FLUSH PNP NO M12<! 95B0611319IS34K Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NC, shielded 1,5mm 95B061160IS-08-A2-S2 8 FLUSH PNP NC M12 95B061161;IS57K Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NO, not shielded 2mm 95B061470#IS-08-C3-S2 8 NON FLUSH NPN NO M12 95B061471;IS58K Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NC, not shielded 2mm 95B061500#IS-08-C4-S2 8 NON FLUSH NPN NC M12 95B061501NIS58DK Inductive sensors diameter 8 NPN NC, not shielded - increased range 3mm 95B063240,IS-08-H4-S2 8 NON FLUSH SHORT 2X NPN NC M12 95B063241;IS59K Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NO, not shielded 2mm 95B061530#IS-08-C1-S2 8 NON FLUSH PNP NO M12 95B061531;IS60K Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NC, not shielded 2mm 95B061560#IS-08-C2-S2 8 NON FLUSH PNP NC M12 95B061561NIS60DK Inductive sensors diameter 8 PNP NC, not shielded - increased range 3mm 95B063300)IS-08-H2-S2 8 NON FLUSH SHORT PNP NC M12 95B063301INDUCTIVE 12mmIS030IS03 Inductive sensors diameter 12, shielded 2mmIS084IS08 Inductive sensors diameter 12, not shielded 4mmIS37DMIS37D Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NO-NC, shielded - increased range 4mmIS40DMIS40D Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NO-NC, shielded - increased range 4mmIS63DQIS63D Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NO-NC, not shielded - increased range 8mmIS66DQIS66D Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NO-NC, not shielded - increased range 8mmIS357IS35 Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NO, shielded 2mm 95B061180IS35DJIS35D Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NO, shielded - increased range 4mmIS35SHIS35S Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NO, shielded - short housing 2mm 95B061980ISI35SYISI35S Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NO, shielded - stainless steel short housing 2mmIS367IS36 Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NC, shielded 2mm 95B061210IS36DJIS36D Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NC, shielded - increased range 4mm 95B063340IS36SHIS36S Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NC, shielded - short housing 2mm 95B062010ISI36SYISI36S Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NC, shielded - stainless steel short housing 2mmIS387IS38 Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NO, shielded 2mm 95B061240IS38DJIS38D Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NO, shielded - increased range 4mmIS38SHIS38S Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NO, shielded - short housing 2mm 95B062040ISI38SYISI38S Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NO, shielded - stainless steel short housing 2mmIS397IS39 Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NC, shielded 2mm 95B061270IS39DJIS39D Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NC, shielded - increased range 4mmIS39SHIS39S Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NC, shielded - short housing 2mm 95B062070ISI39SYISI39S Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NC, shielded - stainless steel short housing 2mmIS61;IS61 Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NO, not shielded 4mm 95B061580IS61DNIS61D Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NO, not shielded - increased range 8mm 95B063400IS61SLIS61S Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NO, not shielded - short housing 4mm 95B062380ISI61S]ISI61S Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NO, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 4mmIS62;IS62 Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NC, not shielded 4mm 95B061610IS62DNIS62D Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NC, not shielded - increased range 8mm 95B063420IS62SLIS62S Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NC, not shielded - short housing 4mm 95B062410ISI62S]ISI62S Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NC, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 4mmIS64;IS64 Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NO, not shielded 4mm 95B061640IS64DNIS64D Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NO, not shielded - increased range 8mm 95B063440IS64SLIS64S Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NO, not shielded - short housing 4mm 95B062440ISI64S]ISI64S Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NO, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 4mmIS65;IS65 Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NC, not shielded 4mm 95B061670IS65DNIS65D Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NC, not shielded - increased range 8mm 95B063460IS65SLIS65S Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NC, not shielded - short housing 4mm 95B062470ISI65S]ISI65S Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NC, not shielded - stainless steel short housing 4mmISM01EISM01 Inductive sensors diameter 12 programmable output, shielded 2mmISM01DXISM01D Inductive sensors diameter 12 programmable output, shielded - increased range 4mm 95B063840ISM02IISM02 Inductive sensors diameter 12 programmable output, not shielded 4mmISM02D\ISM02D Inductive sensors diameter 12 programmable output, not shielded - increased range 8mmIS11JIS11 Inductive sensors diameter 12 NO-NC programmable output, shielded 2mmIS11D]IS11D Inductive sensors diameter 12 NO-NC programmable output, shielded - increased range 4mm 95B063800IS17NIS17 Inductive sensors diameter 12 NO-NC programmable output, not shielded 4mmIS17DaIS17D Inductive sensors diameter 12 NO-NC programmable output, not shielded - increased range 8mmIS793IS79 Inductive sensors diameter 12 NO, shielded 2mm 95B062820 95B060680IS79DFIS79D Inductive sensors diameter 12 NO, shielded - increased range 4mmIS803IS80 Inductive sensors diameter 12 NC, shielded 2mm 95B062840IS80DFIS80D Inductive sensors diameter 12 NC, shielded - increased range 4mmIS857IS85 Inductive sensors diameter 12 NO, not shielded 4mm 95B062940IS85DJIS85D Inductive sensors diameter 12 NO, not shielded - increased range 8mmIS867IS86 Inductive sensors diameter 12 NC, not shielded 4mm 95B062960IS86DJIS86D Inductive sensors diameter 12 NC, not shielded - increased range 8mmIS1004IS100 Inductive sensors diameter 12 NO, shielded 2mmIS100DFIS100D Inductive sensors diameter 12 NO, shielded- increased range 4mm 95B063890IS1014IS101 Inductive sensors diameter 12 NC, shielded 2mmIS101DGIS101D Inductive sensors diameter 12 NC, shielded - increased range 4mmIS1068IS106 Inductive sensors diameter 12 NO, not shielded 4mmIS106DKIS106D Inductive sensors diameter 12 NO, not shielded - increased range 8mmIS1078IS107 Inductive sensors diameter 12 NC, not shielded 4mmIS107DKIS107D Inductive sensors diameter 12 NC, not shielded - increased range 8mmISHT35hISHT35 Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NO, shielded stainless steel housing 3mm temperature up to 150ISHT38hISHT38 Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NO, shielded stainless steel housing 3mm temperature up to 150IS35K19IS35K1 Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NO, shielded 2mm 95B061200IS35DK1LIS35DK1 Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NO, shielded - increased range 4mmIS35SK1JIS35SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NO, shielded - short housing 2mmIS36K19IS36K1 Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NC, shielded 2mm 95B061230IS36DK1LIS36DK1 Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NC, shielded - increased range 4mmIS36SK1JIS36SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NC, shielded - short housing 2mmIS38K19IS38K1 Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NO, shielded 2mm 95B061260IS38DK1LIS38DK1 Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NO, shielded - increased range 4mmNIS61SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NO, not shielded - short housing 4mmIS62K1=IS62K1 Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NC, not shielded 4mm 95B061630IS62SK1NIS62SK1 Inductive sensors diameter 12 NPN NC, not shielded - short housing 4mmIS64K1=IS64K1 Inductive sensors diameter 12 PNP NO, not shielded 4mm 95B061660IS64DK1% '^(f)n*,2-C.J/ U0 p1 2! 3=4T5m6v)9|; =H@wBDEFM!IvKMOC R wTV5Y7[h]_!aeUdfhk\fmo -rz Nt;v xVy{^}Qi8^T}'P0Y8C. ӑ Irͥfkjo  зzGL!A$sV T7X 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